Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Well its been two weeks since I put fingers to keyboard for blogging purposes. I'm now really in the mood since I no longer have the Wichita speech/workshop occupying my brain space (of which there is less & less each day)! Actually, come to think of it, it's not there is less space, the problem is the space is empty!

I've discovered that my blogging is less about being informative and more about being good therapy for the brain. It's my way of delaying dementia. Having said that, there are a few items I wish to record for historical purposes. My sister-in-law Carol arrived at the Pensacola Airport last night. She will be spending a couple weeks with us. This is the fourth year that Carol has joined us in Florida. We really enjoy having her visit. She and Mary Ellen will be busy with the Casino and Wine routine. They have two bus trips to Biloxi on the agenda. The first one will be this Friday. These always give me some new material to Blog about (if you know what I mean)!

Our good friend Jeanne will be here for three nights starting on the 28th. Jeanne and her daughter, Sara, have been traveling throughout the U.S. since September. Jeanne and Sara have been blogging as they travel about in their RV. We first met Jeanne in 2005 at the KOA in South Bend. Jeanne was a campworker and friend from the start. After the 2006 season she left South Bend for a KOA in Hagerstown, MD. She will work there this coming year as well. I believe she needs to be back in Hagerstown in mid-March. Jeanne is one very talented and fun lady. She recently published her first book which is about living your life to the fullest. She has inspired me to begin organizing my thoughts with the hopes of publishing my own book soon. We've never met Sara, but I have this feeling she will soon be a valued friend as well.

On March 1st, our good friends from last year, Diane & Jeff will arrive. They will be here for the month of March. I know Diane will love meeting Jeanne and Sara. When I think about the potential chemistry among Jeanne, Sara, Diane, Carol and Mary Ellen, it is one scary scenario. Should be fun with perhaps a bottle or two of "cheap wine" being consumed. Wal-Mart has the cheapest wine with a cork on the planet. Anything cheaper would have a 'screw cap'. They tell me it's very good however. After a glass or two it probably tastes like it cost $100 a bottle! Let the games begin.

My Wichita speech went extremely well. There were 350 in attendance in one of the nicest auditoriums I've ever worked. The Mary Jane Teal theater at the Wichita Convention Center was excellent. I gave them two quick breaks during my two hours and thirty minutes up front. They all returned after each break which is always a good sign. I spoke on 'Developing Your Future Leadership'. Several people stopped afterwards to tell me how much they liked my remarks. I finished with only two hours to get to the airport for my flight back to Pensacola, so I didn't have much time to spend with my audience. Other than going thru Atlanta, the trip was seamless with no delays or other problems. Atlanta is worse than O'Hare. If you have connecting flights as I did, they are never on the same concourse. You take the train from one concourse to the other. Once there my gate was always a two mile walk. As all of you who take air travel know, security is a real pain. Shoes off, belt off, hands swabbed, computer out and on, e book reader out and on etc. etc. It's a shame all this is necessary.

My next project is a workshop in Iowa this spring and of course working on my book. I'm shooting for publishing the spring of 2011.

Well it's Wednesday, and that means donuts and coffee in the pavilion. This could well be the highlight of the day. With temps near 70 the last few days, a cold front has moved in with lows in the high thirties in the morning and only 50 for highs during the day. Things are supposed to improve again next week.

In parting let me share this, "the best thing about egotists is they don't talk about others". Talk to you soon.


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