“There is a tide in the affairs of man that taken at the crest leads on to greatness”. This quote is one of my favorites. As a metaphor it speaks to much of what we are facing now.
When the current occupant of the White House began his regime in January of 2008, he had the opportunity for greatness. His choice was to focus on his ideology rather than listening to the people and applying common sense to his agenda items. In other words, what we now have is a “tsunami of idiocy” eminating from the White House and rubber stamped by a moronic liberal congress.
The major cuprits are of course Obama, Reid and Pelosi, or ORP. Orp puts me in mind of someone throwing up, and that’s what I feel like doing whenever I hear whatever they have to say. To remind you of some memorable sound bites from the wicked witch of the west, I can’t help but think of her now famous quote prior to the healthcare bill passing. She said, I kid you not, “we have to pass healthcare for you to know what’s in it.” Can you believe it? These people represent us! Believe me I would rather represent myself. I certainly have said some stupid things in my life, but I don’t think I’ve ever come close to this outrageous comment.
There are thirty mosques in New York City. I have no problem with having thirty one. I do have a problem with it sitting on the graves of thousands of victims of 9/11. I really believe the guy (eman) who is spearheading this mosque is “flipping off “ the U.S.A. Of course Obama endorsed this mosque prior to denying he had endorsed the wisdom of its location. Why did he have to get involved. This is a NYC issue. The White House should have remained silent. Why didn’t he? Cause he loves to talk. And, whenever he speaks without a teleprompter he puts his foot in his mouth. Of course I could site some examples of ‘foot in mouth’ even with a teleprompter. What’s with his apologizing for the U.S. Has he ever said what he is proud of about the U.S.? NO. When it comes to leadership this guy doesn’t have a clue.
Obama is “managing” the United States, rather than behaving as a leader. There is a great quote that says, “managers play checkers, leaders play chess”. Obama is playing Chutes and Ladders with our future. God knows what he’ll do before we can get a leader in the White House. He has more than two years left. Getting rid of his “rubber stamps” in congress is our only hope for surviving the next couple years.
God bless the U.S.A.
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