Saturday, March 27, 2010

Moving Out

The exodus has begun. The first of our friends, Russ and Beth Jackson left this morning. We had a large gang of helpful well wishers assembled and watching for any mistakes in their preparations to leave. That's the job of the seasoned camper. When people are coming or going, a large number of eyes are watching and critiquing your every move. This is at least 50% of the daily excitement. Pretty sad isn't it?

Actually we've had a busy week of partying. TC's front porch followed by more drinks and dinner at Helen Back. There were twelve of us and lots of laughs as usual. Friday Diane organized a gathering on the deck at the pavilion. There were sixteen of us, only a couple we could have done without. I won't mention names, but they left at 2:30 a.m. yesterday! Last night after watching the Butler victory, a gaggle of remaining friends went to Johnny Hustons for dinner and the WVU/KY game. West Virginia pulled the upset this time (way to go Big East Conference). Our group consisted of Diane & Jeff, Dave & Janet and Ron & Julie. There were soooo many memorable comments and one liners that I could fill an entire Blog with them. Most of these witticisms came from Dave and therefore didn't pass the PG rating of my "family friendly" Blog. Dave's witty repartee is without peer. His badinage and comedic banter far exceeds most mortals. Dave retired and sold his photography business a few years ago. His specialty was weddings of course. No doubt all of his clients were photographed "sans cheese". The problem most likely was having them compose themselves for the ceremony. Janet, Dave's wife, claims she's only responsible for herself. She takes no responsibility for Dave. They are truly a unique and delightful couple that we'll just have to wait for ours and their return next winter. They are leaving tomorrow.

I forgot to mention the census taker who came by last week. I told him our son had filled out the form in Indiana. He wasn't sure if he could believe me. Perhaps the fact I told him our neighbors (Diane & Jeff) were illegal aliens didn't help my credibility! There are a number of full timers at the campground. Full timers live in their RV's and of course must be counted somewhere unless they stay one campground ahead of the census taker.

Even though the weather this year has many of us saying, 'maybe we'll go to Florida next year', we've nonetheless had a good time and made a number of new friends. Mary Ellen and I were considering someplace new next year, but decided we'd miss too many of the "creatures" we've come to know here in Navarre. I meant 'creatures' in a good way.

Jeff informed me this morning that he has replaced the use of the vulgar expression BS with a less vulgar sounding word. So now anytime you come across an untruth, and you are tempted to use a derogatory and vulgar expression to let people know how you feel about it, simply substitute the word 'pelosi'; as in "I think I just stepped in some 'pelosi'", or "that's just a bunch of 'pelosi'". Simple enough, right. This is probably where I should stop. If I wrote anymore, it would just be so much 'pelosi'.

One important fact I failed to mention. Before Dave got into photography, he actually sold 'pelosi' to farmers!! What a guy!


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